Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I love my life!

Many have asked us what life is like now that we have our group home opened.  This is my attempt at letting you know what daily life is like in our home.  Things change from day-to-day, but the typical day, in the typical week, looks something like this:     
Change about 20 diapers
Give approximately 38 doses of medications (at present, several of our children are sick)
Give baths to 6 extra children
Brush teeth for 5 extra children
Wash, hang, and fold laundry for 16 people 
Prepare meals for 18-20
Hand wash dishes, cups, silverware, and pans for 18-20 people
Make and feed about 10 bottles of formula
Puree 3 meals a day for two of the children
Physical and/or occupational therapy for 6 children
Pace the floor (day and night) with a crying, medically fragile 5 month, 8 lbs baby
Pace the floor (day and night) with a screaming, 4 year old autistic boy
Load and unload up to 5 wheelchairs in and out of the truck
Clean, clean, and clean some more
Home school the 5 youngest Fulps
Cry a little and laugh a LOT!

In and out of the home:
Doctor’s appointments, surgeries, court hearings
Social worker once a week
Accountant once a week
Physical therapist once a week
Psychologist twice a week
Family visitation twice a month
House cleaner/cook 5 days a week
Two extra nannies 5 days a week

Am I complaining?  NOT AT ALL!!!  This is what God called us to do.  This is the passion and the vision that He gave us.  This is what He has equipped us to do.  And we love it! 

Presently, we have 6 children in our home, beside the Fulp kids.  In order of arrival, we have Rafael (8 years old), Yenifer (11 years old), Alejandra (11 years old), Esperanza (5 months old), Christian (4 years old), and Brayan (10 or 12 years old--we don't yet know).

I have a lot of help.  Carissa is “my right-hand man”.  She knows the care of the kids as well, or better, than me.  She works full-time here in the home.   Brittney and Krishauna (when they are home) help a lot.  Taryn and all the way down to Jonathan help feed, rock, push wheelchairs, etc.  By the time that our house keeper and nannies leave each day at 5:00, the laundry is done, the house is clean, dishes have been washed, sometimes dinner is made, the kids have had their baths and are in their pajamas, diaper pail is empty, etc.  Then, Daryl, after his long day of work comes on board to help in the evenings.  We even have a night-time nanny two nights a week, so that the Fulp clan can have two nights of uninterrupted sleep.  So help is abundant!

Is it hard?  Yes, at times!  I am almost 47 years old, and I am back to diapers, bottles, high chairs, interrupted sleep, etc.  This was easier when I was in my early 20’s, but I love it now just as much as I did then!  I was made to care for babies/children. 

Thank you, God, for this call on our lives!  
And please, God, give us the energy and patience that we need each day!

I love my life!

Our Family Today
 P.S.  Update:  Two more little girls arriving today!  two more wheelchairs, two more mouths to feed,  two more beds to set up, two more sets of clothes to buy, two more children to see the doctor, two more birthdays to celebrate,  two more girls to kiss and hug and hold,…Two more children to whom we can give HOPE, LOVE, and the best gift of all—GOD!   

Did I mention that I love my life?!!!

Staff Training

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